New Year, New You: Considering Contacts?

What you Need to Know About Contacts and if They are Right for You

If you’ve been wearing glasses for a while, you might be considering trying contact lenses. Some people love the statement that a nice pair of glasses make, but if you find your nose or your ears feeling sore from wearing glasses all day or you just want to change up your look, contact lenses might be an option for you. There are pros and cons to each kind of eyewear, besides personal preference, that may go into your decision. 


In this article, we’ll look at what you need to know about contacts and whether or not they may be right for you.


Pros and Cons

First, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each type of eyewear. 


Pros of Eyeglasses:

  • Easy to wear
  • Clean and store easily
  • Don’t need to be replaced as frequently
  • Endless frame options
  • You don’t need to touch your eyes to use them
  • The lenses are highly customizable (progressives, readers, light-responsive, etc.)
  • Offers some protection from the elements (dust, wind, debris, etc.)


Cons of Eyeglasses:

  • Doesn’t cover your entire field of vision
  • More expensive than contacts to replace if damaged or lost
  • Some find them uncomfortable (bridge of nose and top of ears)
  • Some don’t like how they look in glasses
  • The lenses might affect the appearance of your eyes
  • They can fog up, smudge, and get scratched, plus aren’t immune to wear and tear


Pros of Contact Lenses:

  • Produces a more “natural” field of vision
  • Gives you freedom of movement during activities and sports
  • Doesn’t stand out on your face
  • Allows the option to change your eye color
  • Allows you to wear a variety of non-prescription sunglasses
  • Losing or replacing your contacts isn’t as costly


Cons of Contact Lenses:

  • Requires discipline in their care, replacement, cleaning, and storage
  • Putting in, taking out, and wearing contacts can take some getting used to
  • Using them improperly can lead to eye health issues
  • Can exacerbate the symptoms of eye strain from looking at device screens


Contact Lenses, Glasses, or Both?

Alternating between glasses and contact lenses can actually give you the best of both worlds. Because each has their pros and cons, switching between the two options can give you greater flexibility to do what you like during the day with the clearest vision possible. 


A good rule of thumb for being a “dual wearer” is that you should always have a pair of glasses on hand to serve as backup to your contacts. Otherwise, when you wear either is really up to you. You might be a person who only wears contacts when glasses are impractical, such as when you are at the gym.


Types of Contact Lenses

There are several different types of contact lenses and options available. Lenses can be hard, soft, or somewhere in between. There are also choices on how long lenses can be worn, the material used in production, and how many uses lenses have. Different options are suitable for different lifestyles and your eye doctor can help you select the right contact lenses for your personal situation. 


What is it Like to Wear Contact Lenses for the First Time?

When wearing contact lenses for the first time, you might experience a tingling or tickling feeling, or a sensation of having a foreign object in your eye. Some people have to let their eyes adjust to contacts over a period of days or a week before the lenses perform as expected when it comes to vision correction. During this period, it is normal for contacts to be blurry at first. 


Discomfort can be a common experience when wearing contacts for the first time. This can be due to dryness, dust particles, or having an improper fit. Using lubricating eye drops and practicing lens hygiene between wearing sessions can help reduce discomfort. If you are worried about inserting and removing contact lenses, practicing and using a proper technique can help you overcome any fear. Your eye care professional can give you guidance on this to help. 


Key Takeaways

Just about anyone can wear contacts these days. Deciding to wear them is often mostly a personal preference. By being a “dual wearer” of contacts and glasses, you can get the most flexibility and best vision correction. If you are considering contact lenses, Black Diamond Eye 

Care is here to help! We are a leader in comprehensive eye care services and can help you decide if contacts are right for you. Schedule your next appointment with us today!



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