Myopia Management
Which type of Myopia Management is for you?
Black Diamond Eye Care has established three protocols for Myopia Management in children – MiSight® Daily Contact Lens Protocol, Atropine Protocol and CRT Protocol.

MiSight® 1 Day Contact Lenses for Myopia Management
1 day: First and Only Soft Contact Lens FDA-Approved* to Slow the Progression of Myopia in Children 8-12 Years Old
MiSight® 1 day is an award-winning dual-focus soft contact lens that uses ActivControl™ Technology to slow the elongation of the eyeball.
The ActivControl™ Technology in MiSight® 1 day utilizes an optic zone concentric ring design with alternating vision correction and treatment zones. Two zones are vision correction zones with the label power of the contact lens, and the alternating two zones are treatment zones with 2 diopters of defocus to slow the progression of myopia.
This design allows the child to see clearly while benefiting from the treatment effect.

Low Dose Atropine Therapy for Myopia Management
Atropine is a drop that is often used to dilate the eye; this means it can make lights seem bright and reduce the eye’s ability to focus, making near vision blurry. We can use this drop, in a lower concentration, for myopia control.
When a lower concentration (0.01%) is used, children do not experience the side effects of blurry vision and light sensitivity. It is not known exactly how this medication works to slow myopia development. Atropine (0.01%) is dosed once daily at bedtime in both eyes.
Atropine can be used on even our youngest patients, because parents can apply the drops. These drops must be obtained through a special compounding pharmacy, which our office will help locate. The drops are not covered by insurance at this time.

Corneal Reshaping (Orthokeratology) for Myopia Management
Orthokeratology is a procedure for correcting myopia (nearsightedness) and mild astigmatism by gently reshaping the cornea with special contact lenses, which the patient places in his or her eyes overnight.
When successful, patients will experience clear vision during the day without contact lenses or eyeglasses. However, the results are temporary, so the patient must continue to wear the lenses regularly at night to maintain optimum results.